Create Future-Oriented Projects through Futuristic Learning
My research theme is “How to Expand Future-Oriented Business Creativity through Futuristic Learning”. This topic stems from my personal story I shared on the personal story (mission) page, dating back to 2018.
Research objective
Discovering the Best Way to Expand Future-Oriented Project Creation Capabilities through Futures Studies
This is my research objective. Currently, there are numerous approaches to creating future-oriented projects (businesses) . However, I have observed that many of these approaches are quire narrow in scope and often face various constraints. Additionally, I have noticed that many projects are planned without a systematic approach to foresight practice and futuristic learning. This means they approach the creation of future-oriented projects in a vague manner.
I strongly believe that future-oriented projects, which have the potential to dynamically change societies, should initially be liberated from all constraints. Futuristic learning—such as understanding cutting-edge technologies, applying foresight frameworks, and conducting daily future scanning—can expand creativity and significantly enhance the probability of success and generate a huge impact for the planet. While this is still my working hypothesis, I have defined my research topic as “Discovering the Best Ways to Enhance Future-Oriented Project Creation Capabilities through Futures Studies,” as mentioned in the headline above.
History of research activity
The scene of a future design workshop conducted in 2022 at the Fostering Future Entrepreneurs program on Omishima Island, in collaboration with TechIS Inc. and the Ehime Prefectural Government.
The table below provides an overview of my research development
You can review my research history in the table below. My research and methodologies are grounded in practical collaboration across various projects.
“Personal Future Design” & “Future-Oriented Business Design” class at the Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Musashino University, from Nov 2023 to Jan 2024.
Title: Foresight for New Project Creation & Envisioning Personal Future Visions
Purpose of Research: A prototype trial to develop the optimal training program and methodology for future-oriented project creation for students aspiring to be entrepreneurs.
Purpose of Class: To help students create their future visions for project creation, which they will implement in their third year, using futures studies frameworks.
Frameworks used in This project: Futures User Experience Design, Future Diary, Futures Scenario
Personal Future Design for Future Entrepreneurs at the Bootcamp for Fostering Entrepreneurs on Omishima Island, Ehime Prefecture, from Aug 2022 to Jan 2023
Title: 10-Week Bootcamp to Foster Young Entrepreneurs on Omishima Island, Ehime Prefecture, Japan
Purpose of Research: Prototype trial for creating personal future visions to develop the best training program for young entrepreneurs.
Purpose of Project: Fostering young entrepreneurs for regional revitalization. The Ehime Prefectural Government launched this project to foster young entrepreneurs. The project aims to generate new companies for job creation in Ehime prefecture. These days, Japanese prefectures suffer from the migration of young people to urban cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka. As their populations decrease, the number of job opportunities declines. To address this issue, the Ehime Prefectural Government initiated this project to foster entrepreneurs who will found their companies and promote U-turn (migrating back to Ehime) settlement in Ehime Prefecture.
Frameworks Used in This Project: Futures User Experience Design, Future Diary
Future-Oriented Business Creation at Meisei University in Tokyo from April to Present (2024)
Title: Future-Oriented Business Creation Embracing Cutting-Edge Technologies and Using Foresight Practice Frameworks
Purpose of Research: Integrating my original training program into the compulsory class at Meisei University.
Purpose of Class: To equip students with skills for future-oriented business creation through foresight practice and the study of cutting-edge technologies.
Frameworks Used in This Project: Futures User Experience Design, Futures Scenario, Design Thinking
Citizen-Centred Future City Design Embracing Cutting-Edge Technologies and Project Creation for the Ehime Prefectural Government from May 2022 to Feb 2023
Title: Designing human-centred user experience
Purpose of Research: Develop new frameworks for future-oriented project creation
Purpose of Project: This project aimed to train leaders driving digital transformation at the Ehime Prefectural Government, city offices, and private enterprises. In this project, I integrated my original framework, “Futures User Experience Design,” for group assignments to enhance skills in human-centred city design and dentifying challenges (opportunities) for the future.
Frame works that were used in this project: Futures User Experience Design, Futures Scenario, Design Thinking
“Future studies for high school and junior high school students” Online school of Katariba which is one of the biggest educational schools in Japan from Dec 2021 to Feb 2023
Title: Study and enjoy some futures studies seminars, discussions, workshops for connecting futures!
Purpose Of Research: Training program development for futures oriented business creations.
Purpose Of Project: We designed to offer a class that is not taught in a school. Usually, there is less opportunity to study “Futures” in their school curriculum, therefore we designed this class for creating opportunity to study and enjoy it.
“Envisioning Personal Futures Embracing Cutting-Edge Technologies” at Meisei University from 2022 to 2023
Title: Envisioning Future Vision with Learning Futuristic Technologies and Trends
Purpose Of Research: Implementing the program to further improve the training program for envisioning personal futures.
Purpose of Project: Expanding students’ future visions through learning futuristic technologies and trends, and applying foresight frameworks. This class consists of 15 lessons over 3 months. The first 5 lessons focus on studying cutting-edge technologies such as AI-integrated services, blockchain initiatives, the space industry, and digital citizenship, and considering how these influence their futures. In the second phase, they study futuristic lifestyles, such as digital nomadism and corporate employees with social media influence, and receive tutorials on foresight practice. In the final phase, they write a future diary, which is developed applying foresight frameworks to expand their imaginative capabilities and envision their lives five years into the future. Finally, students create a plan by backcasting with their diary.
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